Top 10 Ghostbusters of All Time


Alright! here we go! This is the complete end all list to...end...all..lists. These paranormal investigators are the heroes of your childhood and now they have been ranked. So without further padding for what will surely be a post that can survive on it's own merit, let us begin:

10) Louis Tully

     Stay Fit, Keep Sharp, Make Good Decisions.  Louis does none of these.  (who let's slimer drive?)  It's errors like this and being a posessed tool in the first movie, that earned him the spot rounding out the caboose, also he never really had his own uniform.  And if you are gonna steal one why not aim higher than being Spengler.

9) Slimer (Ghostbuster 2)
While not a member of the ghost busters, Slimer was able kill some ghost due to his poor driving.  Really I should have put him at ten.  But you know, Louis.  Slimer is a ghost who needs a job?  For what?  Ghost hats!  Maybe you would be higher in this list buddy if you had gone to ghost college.

8) Janine Melnitz
The only woman to make this list, you know if you don't count Louis and for the sake of the ladies, we won't.  She was the mouth and ears of the Ghost busters.

7) Robo-Buster X-1
designed to replace the Ghost Busters, it is mechinized undeath!  To bad he ended up being a robo dick.

6) Spud (Slimer Ghostbusters)
The supposed ghost of John Belushi (Dan Aykroyd's words and not mine) would eat and slime up everything. Sometimes both.  Also laid out Bill Murray in a puddle of his own slime.  Cause he is a Ghost Pimp.

5) Winston Zeddamore
After listening to the commentary on the Ghostbuster 1 Blu-Ray, we learned that Winston was supposed to be insanely overqualified for the position of a Ghostbuster and this is something i always think of when i re-watch the movie. He must of known that going into that role because he just has that experienced look about him. Like he has seen some shit and he still zips up the jumpsuit and gets the job done. Just a bad ass period (now a real period)  

4) Dr. Egon Spengler
You got the mouth (Venkmen) and you got the heart (Stanz) so what would that be without the brains? Nothing. This guy designs and builds all the equipment the boys in beige use to bust ghosts. He has a crazy huge brain that women drop panties for and he just ejaculates rocks.

3) Slimer (Cartoons)
There is no denying Cartoon Slimer, he was funny, cute, and a mascott.  He got cheap laughs and sold even cheaper products.  Say what you want about him in the cartoons, but he is the only Ghost the Gang never "Busts".  This character is one of the only reasons the cartoon show works.  Also He is the reason we got EctoCooler so you know.  FUCK YEAH SLIMER!

2) Dr. Raymond Stanz
If you didn't call "Peter" when you were a kid then you were still happy with being Ray. The heart of the Ghostbusters , sold the farm he was born in to get the start up money for the Ghostbusters firehouse. He takes chances with like dangling from a line above a river of slime to calling a representative from the CDC "dickless". What a fucking classic guy.

1) Dr. Peter Venkmen
Peter never gave a fuck. He wanted two things and he had no preference as to which he would receive first and that is money and women. This is who you wanted to be when you were a kid. 


~R&CA (Royal Crown Ale)


  1. Dude, this thing sucks. You seriously need to do some RESEARCH before posting stuff like this. Do you have any idea how many Ghosheads you've pissed off with this list? I'm going to assume that was you're intention, rather than just calling you an idiot straight to your face. Although, I'm sure if you had any brains, you'd realize it might be a good idea to look in the mirror for a while & call yourself an idiot.

  2. Do you realize you just used the term "Ghostheads". And still expected to be taken seriously. What sucked about the list?

  3. What's a Ghoshead?!

  4. Seriously. This is funny. Benny needs to straighten his fedora.

  5. Laughed so hard! LOVED IT!


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