GWARMORIAL WEEK The Weekly Lettuce: Oderus Urungus

Lettuce remember GWAR Front man Oderus Urungus

Oderus Urungus is 43 billion years old, and was assembled on a planet called Scumdogia in "Syntho Womb 5" after pieces of his moldy war frame were found scattered throughout the galaxy His only true companion was his Cuddlefish

although lost for a short period of time, it returned to its true resting place, strategically placed over his loins. According to interviews, Oderus' father was a supercomputer and his mother was a petri dish. 
During a reading of “Goodnight Moon" 

Oderus revealed that he was born into a gladiatorial arena, during which time, he was given a sword, and battled an onslaught of "slowtards" who were trying to rape him.



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