Sharing Addictions.

Recently i was fortunate enough to attend the WizardCon held in Minneapolis (their first and my first) and it has really made me appreciate the people who take their fandom to exceedingly cool places. In the past, people would look down at someone who took the time and money to put together something that let's them embody their heroes and with that i proudly throw on to you a really cool YouTube channel that does better then any picture could do. It's recorded in a lower frame rate and put to inspirational music and occasionally they throw in some special effects to put emphasis on the really cool costumes. Word of warning though, once you watch one you will not be able to stop yourself from constantly anticipating MORE. Enjoy these pieces brought to you by YouTube channel Sneaky Zebra and please SUBSCRIBE!

This video was the drug that got me re-hooked into watching more of this channels videos and their most recent upload because it's CON season gang and the creativity is flying!! THERE IS MORE TO WATCH!!!

Check them out and Subscribe HERE! and follow them at twitter HERE!


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