The third Divergent movie will be cut into 5 movies!

In a shocking move made by Summit today, the studio has begun plans to split up the popular young adult series into four 22 minute long movies and the fifth movie will be 25 minutes long.
"I believe that separating these movies into this shorter format and releasing them every other month will be the new standard for this these types of movies"  says Robert G. Friedman head of Summit Entertainment "we saw with the Hunger Games how much fans love to wait for things and the actors are always more than willing to continue doing promotional press every other month for next to nothing". Robert also went on to say that if he had it his way then he would greenlight every young adult novel that features a female protagonist in a perilous journey set against a friendly sci-fi apocalyptic future if he knew he could get six movies out of every trilogy book series.
But what do the fans say? well i couldn't find any of them at the time this blog goes to press. I suppose we will wait in the young adult section of a nearby Barnes & Noble until one of them show up. 
Also, none of the actors could be reached because we don't have their numbers, follow them on twitter or the entire staff has restraining orders on half of Hollywood. 

-brian Blog


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