Everything is Dumb and you're Stupid for liking it by Andy Gabatino
Yeah, I said it. And I meant it. You like movies?
Protagonists? Antagonists? Obstacles overcome? Barf.

The same goes for books. All books.
You like art? Bullshit. It took us thousands of years to draw in 3 dimensions. Stupid. Plus there's only three colors. Triple stupid.
You like music? It sucks. There are only 12 notes, and most "musicians" don't even use them all.
You like sports? Fucking worst one yet. The world is figuratively falling apart and we are paying millions of dollars to people to play? To FUCKING PLAY?
You like your parents? They're idiots. They never should have given birth to you, what with the earth in the condition it's in. Shameful and irresponsible.
Everything is dumb and you're stupid for liking it - Written by Andy Gabatino
I like fucking - that's no too bad. Side effects: 3 kids. But that's how much I like(d) it. Or used to.