Periscope is Cyber Heroin

As I write this, it is watching me....

...Broadcasting me deep into the web of inters...

 The fucked up part is that I am the one who hit broadcast. I know I should be writing. But the urge to put myself out there outweighs almost all my natural senses.

 The only thing left to do just eat, sleep, and Periscope.

Periscope is an app for iphone. Why am I telling you this? Because mine is a tale of sadness. 

 I used to be somebody. OK, that’s not true but, I used to be able to go out in public without the need to mumble at my phone, for the approval of strangers. 

 And I certainly never thought seriously about getting a selfie stick before. What is a selfie stick? Well it is a tool losers use for photography because they are unable to ask some one to take their picture.

What a nerd.  You see that arm (Ha Ha).  Selfie sticks would be dope for Periscope though.
 Periscope is a community of web cams. (not porn) [OK not only porn] {OK I am not wearing pants.} 

I am one such periscoper. Hello my name is Corey Adam and I am addicted to cyber heroin. 

 How addicted you may ask? Addicted enough to tell you to follow me and give me hearts.

Seems like a long way to go to promote myself on a new iphone app, right?
No one ever listens to my cries for help.



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