In case you need further proof that DC has no idea on how to handle their characters unless Christopher Nolan is holding it's hand, comes a photo courtesy of the director David Ayer. In his latest boring tease of this film he has decided to showcase the hero/villains in a photo that does no one any favors. In the wake of David Ayers awful release of his vision of Jared Leto's Joker...
Actual photo. Harley Quinn is giving Leto's Joker a tramp stamp that says "pudding" |
...comes the worst thing to happen to comic book movies since Lea Thompson fucked Howard the Duck. Let's go through the cast without doing any research!
Here is Jai Courtney as Leather Australian Coat Man who you owe money to. The theme appears to be "gangsta" with all these characters so feel free to vomit when you need to.
Here is Calypso from those Pirate of the Caribbean movies trapped in her human form again.
Here comes anyone who answered their phone after Tom Hardy turned down the role of "generic bad guy" guy. |
Here is The Period. She only kills once a month and you can feel her coming because you get cramps. She will leave you alone if you are pregnant. |
Here is Will Smith looking like he feels guilty about agreeing to do this for only 32 million dollars. |
Here is Shit. He's taken so much of it that he is now giving it back and that is his power. |
The film makers decided to resurrect a corpse for this movie for no reason and here it is.
In closing, I am very disappointed that the people who handle DC property right (the makers of Arrow and The Flash on television) are not deemed worthy enough for the big screen. This is what we get when studio's think they know what we want. We never asked for this movie.
-Brian Blog
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