Batman Vs Superman super sucks Review?

Holy shit!  Seriously a new post, that’s like almost 2 in a week!

 Just wait poindexter. 

 We here at BBM are not through bragging about what a piece of shit BVSDOJ is. 

 Fuck even its abbreviation looks bad Like LMFAO.

 Any ways, I want you to meet someone;

 That's Mr. Jeric Aimes Look at that pieces of man.

 Anyways, Jeric here likes Iron Man 3 


 Thor 2

Mr Jeric Here Hated Batman vs Superman.

 Hey Zack Snyder, some how you managed to alienate a fan who I am pretty sure liked “parts” of green lantern. 

 Now I am mean to Jeric all the time cause he has horrible taste in movies, and I am after all an asshole.

 But he is right.  That movie sucks.  I give Batman Vs Superman .1 stars. 

 The real problem is that thanks to morons like me the movie made a metric fuckton of American Currency.

 So know we get to watch as everyone around hails Zack Snyder as a genius. He is not.

This post started as me trying to write a review for Batman Vs Superman. 

 I am still at a loss of words.  Two and a half hours, I can not tell you the plot.  Or explain how much I hated it.

 I know there was Doomsday I think....spoiler alert.

 Wait I don't care.  Fuck that movie don't waste a single cent!

 Batman uses machine guns, Superman helps crims escape. 

 Superman forgets how to throw, a spear. Or where in a puddle said spear was....after he left it there.

 His dad showed up, I am not sure why but I bet it was a sweet plot device. 

Slow much. Look. I can't write this anymore. I am getting the sads. 

 Fuck you Zack Snyder. 

 You suck.



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