Weekly Lettuce: AMC's Preacher review

Lettuce Remember great gimmicks like this:

We begin this with reading.   It said review in the title.  But if I know you cyber piles puds that make up Al Gore's the inter-web.  And I do, sadly.  I have to lead you by the hand.

  So here we go.
  Warning this document titled review contains spoilers.  

You under stand that?  How if it's being reviewed it is probably gonna tell you stuff.  That being said.  Fuck off. Here is a nice link to some no spoilers:

AMC's Preacher

Let me first begin by telling you Preacher is my favorite comic series. 

 So I was very nervous and excited for last nights series premiere. I have been waiting for this moment for over 20 years. Since the early 2000's rumors of the series flew. It was a movie, that was canceled in pre production. It was a Series by HBO. Canceled in preproduction. So I think a part of me honestly never thought it would ever make it to the silver or...whats TV? Bronze screen? Who cares!

 Last night was AWESOME! Oh and I am exactly the kind of D bag who throws that word “Awesome” at everything. Seriously I once saw a Golf Cart raking a bunker....AWESOME! 

 My biggest worry was given the constraints of TV they wouldn't be able to fully capture the graphic and humorous world of Jesse Custer. My skepticism was met with pure delight. 

 All The characters jumped out of my TV Jesse was all like:


 (Encrypted spoiler)
 And here I am. Honest, Brave, and opening my heart to all of you.

 Cassidy was my big concern going in. He kinda looked stupid on the trailer. 

 From the opening sequence he dazzled me. 

 They managed to keep his silly lech ways. And some how capture his not loyal enough but sleazy ways. And while a lot of fans of the comic will poo poo the idea of adding content.


Look I get it top down Preacher the comic was the best, it's story line borders perfection. 

 But there was no way they were going to be able to follow that. Or if they could that doesn't really hold interest to me. I appreciate AMC's changing the text to make a better show. 

 Walking Dead did the same and weither you like or disliked Walking Dead you have to understand that show is a huge success. I am hoping for the same thing with Preacher, a branch off of the story that adds new content while staying true to the story and characters I love. 

 After episode 1 I see no reason to think that is happening. I am not saying Preacher will be the best thing ever...

 yes I am.
  As far as I am concerned this is a glorious moment. Burn the church. 

 Jesse is here.

Official score:
666 out of 69



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