5 Songs to ____ to.......Part 1: Dance Fatty dance.

You there, you are fat!  Yes.  We know.  But how will you cure that?  How about getting off your ass and doing something about it.  HA!  man I almost posted this with a straight face.  Anyways here is some dance magic, so with out further stalin'
(make sure to watch Stalin boogie to whatever you are listening to it works)

5) Chromeo: Over your Shoulder

4) MNDR: Cut me out

4) MNDR: Cut me out

3) Daft Punk: Instant Crush

2) The Gap Band: You Dropped a bomb on me

1) Jamiroquai Electric Mistress.

If none of these made you tap your toes, you are probably a diabetic with no legs, stop hating on the 2 legs, shake a stump Grumpy!



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