BROKE BLOG NEWS Reports!!! Opa Gangnam Jaw Bone Style

BrokeBlogNews has learned that a Gangnam Seoul plastic surgeon was forced to remove the towering jars of thousands of jawbone fragments with which he decorated his office. Photos of the jars spread online , Resulting in a visit from a local official who fined the surgeon about $3000 and ordered the display to be removed.

A photo of the "bone towers'' posted on the clinic's website was removed after it went viral online, drawing a storm of online criticism. "This is the most Metal thing ever!'' tweeted DKPickles. The local official said "We visited the clinic after some people filed complaints and plan to a fine of three million won ($3171)'' said the official, who declined to be translated to English with proper grammar. "Plus it does look unseemly,'' said the official, who added that the clinic had now removed the twin structures. We here at Broke Blog never Jaw this tower coming.
For BrokeBlog News,
I am Cam Camerthall


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