Dance Moms. Dance Moms.


Seriously. It is. I asked a Demon. Welcome to a show where children dance for the enjoyment of cat lovers and  horrible mothers that corral them from place to place. The mothers whose hands must be tired from all the backstabbing and the children who are being raised to be clueless and possession driven women PALE in comparison to the shows ring leader, Abby Lee Miller. 

She yells at everything and is typically a horrible garbage bag of a person. Moving children like chess pieces for a game of chess that no one wants to play, Abby claims to be teaching kids life lessons. Lessons like favoritism where she constantly compares all the children to one Christ like figure child who never makes mistakes. Way to go Abby, we were in a drought of crazy women so it's good to know her dance factory keeps pumping out the looney for years to come. Also, doesn't she look like an older Eric Cartman?! I feel like the only one who notices this. Here's a side by side...

You're all a hot mess...ya guys. Maybe if the show presented itself as a program that encouraged children who like to dance and gave them an atmosphere that allowed for their creativity to grow instead of being subjected to the poor nature of their mothers and Abby's dating habits (seriously). I could care less about the sex life of Jabba the Hutt and it's poor slave girls.



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