Hero Plugging.


This choice was a no brainer for me. This guy has put a lot of consistently good videos, music and fantastic performances. Nathan Barnatt has multiple characters he executes hilariously such as Keith Apicary, a video game enthusiast who can dance exceedingly well. Ray Amsley, a fighting guru who teaches you to stop getting murdered all the time. The point of this "Hero Plugging" is to let you know my opinion of him and despite what my friends and wife say i think he is a genius and a riot. Oh yeah, one time he kind of responded to me on facebook but it was in like a weird exchange of humor. Regardless, check out these favorite videos of mine. 

This video has Martin Starr in the beginning of it. and is great.

Here he is traveling the world for an amazing video of a song by Yelle.

Finally, The most bestest song in the whole wide world i listened to non-stop last summer Talking Classics. with music by FantomenK.

Here he is as Ray Amsley teaching you defense.

Well that concludes this portion. Please watch the videos and share with friends and tell those friends to share them as well.

"Better than life magazine"- Nathan Barnatt!! 


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