Sitting next to Greatness.

Recently, I picked up a very interesting book and I could not put it down. It was the fascinating tale of one mans encounter with the one and only Freddie Prinze Jr. In a restroom in Tulsa. The book "Taking a Sheet with The Prinze" is captivating in its enormous 18 page recollection of a regular joe talking it up in a john. Here's my favorite bit in chapter 5...

"I saw Mr. Prinze Jr's leather shoe turn as I asked ""could you spare some toilet paper?"" Frantically for both reasons. He shot back with ""no problem"" SO COOL! I thought and I just blurted out ""are you making a sequel to Wing Commander?!"". The air got tense like someone emptied all the O2 out of the shuttle bay in the original Wing Commander. Then, he spoke..."

I don't want to give it away but OMG this guy got all sorts of lucky! Usually I don't go for books because eventually they will all be turned into movies or at least a short film ripped off by Shia Labeouf but I would pay top dollar to see this on the big screen in a trilogy and in 3D. You can look for the book now on sale where ever fake books are sold. Probably in your dreams. So fight the pancake monster for all the gold coins and save the princess because she also works at a book store.

(BrokeBlog Mountain could not afford a image of Freddie Prinze Jr. But Freddie Prinze Sr. Is practically free so you get it)


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