The Name. "How BrokeBlog Mountain came to be"


It all started on a cold December evening when the sun finds itself feeling sad and it disappears into what used to be an earlier or perhaps better time...Maybe it had something to do with "BlogShank Redemption" already being taken and being horribly under used (don't believe me? check it out) and another choice which would have been perfect? "Blogwai"....Right? isn't that great?! Well get your fists in the balled up position because this misuse of a good name is STILL being forgotten on the daily right here. Don't you just want to just throw your computer out of the window in pure anger over this travesty? NO? good. We still need you to be able to check out our updates. OH! i almost forgot! The fake history of BrokeBlog Mountain! This used to be a sad blog site run by a guy who thought his "reviews" were worth looking at. Well he forgot about it and i found it and cleaned it up and will have some interesting guest authors stop by and tell you some things. Also, there is a story about two gay cowboys which is a really touching movie by Ang Lee called The Incredible Hulk. That's it. 



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