Captain America Silently Becoming only Stand Alone Avenger worth a damn.

Let me first start this out by telling you, I am not really a Captain America fan. I am more of a Deadpool/Joker kind of guy. 

But I do like movies. 
 A lot. 
 I think it's a problem.
 As a comic book fan I have seen most movies comic book related. I only say all that so there is a reference point in that I think Captain America comics are just blah.

 I honestly wonder if as a kid I would know who he was if not for The Avengers, which is great. 

 I guess that is why it came as a shock to me when I realized Captain America is the only Stand Alone Film Avenger. WHAT!?!?!

 Lets Review the team, shall we?  


The first movie was OK, I guess. And hey it had Thor and Rainbows so, you know sweet. But then there is:

Thor 2

If you haven't seen Thor 2 yet I will review for you now
Ancient Awakened evil awakens!

 Then they are foiled at the last minute. 
 Odin is dead.

 Then there was the terrible Loki march of alignment. 

 Loki is Chaotic bad. 

 Loki is Lawful good. 

Loki is Chaotic dead. 

 Loki is Lawful bad. 
 The only thing moving less than the plot of Thor 2, is Rosanne’s jump rope.

OK next avenger, 

 Do I need to waste this post time by insulting the readers listing all the shitty Hulk movies? 
 Yes, we know the one with Edward Norton is pretty good. But you know Ruffalo is better so lets see how that pans before we bet on the most tired comic movie franchise since ROBOCOP

So, Iron Man 

Yeah Iron "Fucking" MAN!  As in part 1. 
 Because, if you dare to dabble beyond you will get punished.

 And you will deserve it. 
 Sure RDJ is back, we all love him.
 But I don't think he is enough to ignore Glow Worm Mandarin. 

 Or Iron man 2, 
which sucks.

And then there is the Captain.

 Captain America was a good movie.
 I don't think I realized how good till I re-watched it. It made me a self proclaimed Captain UN enthusiast cheer. It had a lot of good timed humor and the action was solid.

The Second movie is about to hit. 

 And I find myself giddy in a way I never was for Captain America. 
With photos coming out left and right of:

Glittery X-men

 Turtles with lips

 Villains looking like a Disney Rock Opera.

I am gonna do what kids of the forties did (not get beatup by drunk dad) when they could only afford one comic.

 I am gonna Roll with the Captain.

Here is the trailers starting with the teasers watch them in order, even the fake build up seems awesome.
Sorry couldn't resist but for real here.

BLOGVENGERS ASSEMBLE! ~CA (Not Captain American)


  1. What the hell are you talking about? This makes no sense.

  2. Oh no someone Anonymous could't follow the plot and chose to tell us about it. INTERNETS HALP!


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