Game Thoughts on Prototype 2...It's 10 bucks now.

a BrokeBlog video game review of...

Prototype 2. Prototype 2 came out two years ago but it was $10.00 a couple of days ago so instantly i had to jump on it. In this game you are a man named James Heller and you lost your whole family to Alex Mercer in the first game. Alex makes you an "evolved" meaning that you get his powers because he was watching you and wants you to help him destroy the world...cause that is what good guys who get replaced do when they are replaced with a better character. From what i remember of the first Prototype, Alex Mercer released the virus for some reason (probably sick of the New York subway system) and you just kind of forgot about the fact that you needed to eat people to stay alive and that you were responsible for the the end of days and somehow the "victim". 
The game play is your standard sandbox game with only minimal damage happening to the city around you. This has always bothered me in these kind of "Kill everything" kind of games. Bare with me have superhuman strength, can leap buildings and throw cars but i'll be damned if any of the buildings suffer any structural damage or the road breaks from ground breaking moves. I would gladly load 3 discs on a console game just to be able to have the game to understand that i want to crash a building on top of an enemy at any time i want to or maybe jump through the street and into the sewer to evade the government. THAT'S ENOUGH OF THAT! That also reminds me of the military presence in this video game and how they are only composed of hillbillies and guys who think they could still have sex with one of the infected by simply putting a bag on one of the females? come on gang. I can understand that move though because if they had their shit together then you'd be the bad guy like in the first game.
In closing, i hope they eventually settle on a name for this series because if i am playing the prototype i would like to eventually play the finished product. OH lookie there! i just titled the next game in the series! Finished Product: Prototype 3

2.5 out of 5
(that means it's fun but fun if you got 10 bucks to blow like a Rockefeller or something kind of fun)



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