Game of Thrones is back and this article is 2 weeks too late.

Oh boy! season 4 is here! remember the red wedding or whatever from last season? well this one has another wedding in it or so i have read. I recently watched the first episode of the new season and writing about it a week later is the best i could do (i didn't want to disturb GWAR week). So let's see here, what happened? OH! that guy known as the "Hound" killed some guys and that was sweet and there were some boobies in the episode so A+ on that one. King Joffrey pointed at some maps and made fun of his idiot uncle who fucks Joffrey's mommy (his sister) for losing his hand and getting captured. The hot blonde who has dragons showed up again with even older dragons and these dragons were really angry because the Blonde queen was trying to pet it and it snapped at her. Then her scientist from the Resident Evil movies reminded her that dragons aren't pets and they need to be fixed because they are pissing on all the dresses and swords. We didn't see Child size Charles Xavier this week because he is probably stuck in a bathroom somewhere and Hodor can't call for help. Tony Stark's great great great great great great grandpa's daughter Red hair Stark is married to Peter Dinklage (no nickname for the short person because we here at BrokeBlog have a reputation to uphold) and things seem to be going pretty normal for a couple who never wanted to get married to one another and Peter Dinklage won the whole episode by being the actor present during a scene showing boobs so well done!!. Well, episode 2 of season 4 is on tomorrow so check back next Sunday to read about an episode you have already forgotten about.

-Tim Icarus Townstown.


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