Weekly Lettuce: GODZILLA!


That's right Godzilla. And this time it is for real. We Think!  It's enough to make any Godzilla fan dance!

  SONY fucked us hard with 1998's entry that assured we wouldn’t get any decent Monster movies, kinda like what they did with Spider-Man, only difference is they managed to kill a franchise with one movie this time, HURBOO!

 This new Godzilla just seems to have everything right. I love monster movies. Pacific Rim was one of my favorite movies in the last years. But it lacked something.......Cloverfield was more of a Godzilla movie than Godzilla.

 Interesting fact I just noticed, my spell check recognizes Godzilla as a word spelled correctly, it's almost as if it knows how awesome this is about to be. Lettuce all watch and enjoy  GODZILLA!

No more inside jokes, no more Matthew Broderick, no more:


 SONY made me, as teenage boy hate monsters, what do you do next?  Go sour some College kid on unprotected sex?  God I hate that movie. 

Author's Note:
The 1998 Godzilla did give us a cool Jamiroquai Jam.

I mean seriously how do you screw up Godzilla so much that the UK Groove band delivers a better motion picture?  
I digress, GODZILLA does not.



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