Weekly Lettuce: Chromeo

Weekly Lettuce: Chromeo

Lettuce Rejoice. Chromeo's back with their first full length studio album in 4 years. The Album:
 White Women

 picks up right where Business Casual left off,

 being funky. 
 From the first track
(Jealous I Ain't Wit it)

to the single Sexy Sociolliete bass 80's groove knows no bounds.

Chromeo is a duo of David Macklovitch (DAVE-1) and Patrick Gemayel (P-Thugg)

They only want to give you trashy bass lines to do filthy filthy things to.

This album should become your summer jam, you know if you are smart and highly influenced by the blogs you read 
(Send us Money).

Chromeo is what the 80's were trying to do.

Lettuce listen....
If you don't like it you are probably uglier than Mariah Carey's left Tit lump




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