The Weekly lettuce: Harmonix Hates Frequency or Amplitude2

Lettuce make note, Harmonix did it.  They raised enough money off kick starter for a new Amplitude game.  What is amplitude you ask, it's a music puzzle game.  The most puzzling thing is why anyone would want to play Amplitude.  When you could have just kickstarted Frequency2.

Harmonix released Their first game in 2003, that game might have been one of the best games ever made. Frequency

Frequency is the game I remember playing the most ever, just writing this I am tempted to hookup my ps2 and play a little bit.

 The songs were great. A roster of who's who in the “party” scene. There was something about this game that made it feel fresh. Also it is really fucking hard.

 I remember when I played this in my first house. Me and my old roommate got into a drunken fight that ended with me throwing a lamp and him keeping his ps2. I have never been divorce but I imagine it is exactly what I felt over losing that ps2 memory card. The high scores I had will never be with me again. Much like that fucking lamp.

 Harmonix followed up their awesome all time game win with a sequel titled Amplitude which was released in 2003. 

Amplitude kinda sucks, it was too easy and it sounded like your grandma picked out music she though was “Cool” Really, The music was terrible, when your best song is "Cherry Lips" by Garbage you know the music in your game sucks.  

Amplitude also featured Blink 182 and Weezer.  The shitty part is the level for blink 182 was so hard I would die over and over again, I must have broke 5 controllers throwing them across the room in disgust with the fact I have to listen to that song again.

After Amplitude Harmonix moved on to Guitar Hero and made millions, this is where Frequency fans get sad.

 Guitar Hero's the game that dumbed down the entire concept to one track. Frequency and Amplitude were good in part to their multiplier system. Allowing people to switch tracks on the song not just play one track on a giant plastic dildo trumpet. 

And if you like Guitar Hero get a life loser, why don't you do drugs and play a real Guitar like a musician, instead of hosting a hooka party and pretending you wrote Cemetery Gates.

The Fact that Harmonix needed to kickstart anything after making Guitar Hero which sold millions is proof they don't know that the fuck their core fans want, which is another Frequency.

 Rest assured all fans can comprise, as was shown with Amplitude2. Either way Congratulations to Harmonix for celebrating 10 years of  beat blaster ship's sailing right past what fans want.  And now some Synthpop, Frequency style.



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