Borderlands The Pre-Sequel is Amazing! pt.1 & 2!

PART 1: Remember when you were a kid and you wished there were a game that had guns and excitement and huge helping of humor you'd find funny for years? Neither do i. But if i had a game like this when i was younger i would ignore it too but i'd be wrong. Borderlands The Pre-Sequel is a hilarious slice of strange meat that fits beautifully into the sandwich of two other Borderlands games. I never played the first game but i immersed myself in the second and that pretty much set the bar for me as far as creative first person shooters go. Gearbox and 2K Australia have made a game that wedges in between both that help you understand this universe toting over a gajillion guns (yup, gajillion!). You play as one of four characters with histories that connect everything together such as Athena and Wilhelm who were villains in the other games which is fun aspect and Nisha who is a gunslinger and the always annoying but still acceptable Claptrap. You are all lead by a lowly programmer from Hyperion named Jack (handsome Jack) to take down the DAHL corporation. I haven't finished the game yet so i will update this post as i progress so let me say here first that i believe the villainous Handsome Jack from Borderlands 2 and the Jack in this game are NOT the same person. It's just one fan opinion so check back often and i'll let you know what i discover. But as this is an early review let me say that the new moon environment and the gravity are an awesome addition to the game unlocking a new form of combat called "butt slamming" which deals out crushing damage to your opponents. 


PART 2: Level 26 with Nisha

The game has hit it's stride and the urge to continue the story the mission is stronger than trying to do side missions. I have forced myself to to handle the side mission just so i can attain a higher level. I recently defeated a secret boss Nell by hanging up a sign that calls him a "dick". He was suuposed to drop a legendary sniper rifle but that didn't happen. 




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