The Sketch so awesome, I lost 20 dollars and still love it.

I love sketch comedy.

 But sadly it all sucks these days. 
Gone are classic moments in SNL such as:

 Happy Fun Ball


Nick at the Powder Room


 Jimmy Tango’s Fat Busters

Modern day SNL is like watching a 6th grade Orchestra.

Sure they are trying hard and enjoying it. But it still loosely resembles the sound of 2 cats fucking.

Snl Sucked hard for a while but then

Enter The Rock. 

 I love the Rock. Is that OK to say yet?  I mean he was a pro wrestler who made the transition to movies without giving us Mr. Nanny.

 Sure, he is not the most versatile actor but he knows what he is good at. Looking ripped and making fun of people. But rarely do you see a pro wrestler more willing to make fun of themselves. Behold the best sketch I have seen in years.

Really good right? Might be top 50 SNL Sketches ever and that is saying a lot as there are tons of them. I was showing this to Andy Gabatino, one of our guest writers.

 And he bet me I was wrong about the actor next to the Rock, and I was. Boom $20 gone down the drain. 

 I haven't been ripped off this bad since I saw The Last Airbender in 3D.

But my stupidity aside, This is the best sketch in years. I feel like I helped fund it. I think I am gonna give my self a Producer/executive Producer credit on SNL think anyone would notice? 

 Ahhhhh and that's What the Koko is Cookin'.

(Broke Really Broke)


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