The Arkham Knight review + Spoilers

This is the end of the most popular Batman video game franchise according to the beautiful people at Rocksteady Games and WHAT a finale!!! Let's get started and just spoil the shit out of the story so everyone is on the same page.

Batman has a villain named Scarecrow who was a scientist who employs a powerful fear toxin to further his own plans. After a few hundred mission, Batman defeats The Scarecrow by using the Scarecrows fear toxin on The Scarecrow.

 (a standard move that's been used about a hundred times but this game is amazing so we won't complain)

But! Batman told everyone in the world he was Bruce Wayne (yup, Batman lost). So the first ending of the game has Batman going on to fight crime as Batman but everyone knows he's Bruce Wayne. Then if you are really bored you can finish some extra missions and get another happy ending where Bruce finally goes home and the press is outside his mansion and they are badgering him with questions. Bruce walks past Alfred and says "let's do it" and Alfred asks if he is sure and Wayne says "fuck yeah" then Wayne Manor blows up. 
No one really believes that Batman could be killed off by one of his villains just because the media knew where to find him but that doesn't stop everyone from trying in the third part of the ending. 

So finally, if you complete the game 100% you will be treated to another ending which features Commissioner Gordon becoming Mayor Gordon who says they is an open case to find Wayne's killer but he is still too busy for that shit as he is off to see the wedding of his daughter Barbara marry Tim Drake when the camera pans to a wealthy couple walking down an alley with their son (seem familiar?) and they are threatened by thugs. Then the thugs notice a person who looks like Batman and they say that Batman is dead so it can't possibly be The Batman. Then Batman jumps down and turns into a terrifying monster kind of like how people see Batman when they are under the influence of The Scarecrows toxin. 

Cool. Now you have an ending, right? seems pretty wrapped up? well it isn't because Rocksteady is reportedly planing on releasing DLC that includes more missions with Batman that supposedly take place after the third ending and it includes different characters. So expect a lot more missions of playing as Robin or Cat-woman collecting information for some busywork purpose. Do we really need to shell out an extra $40 bucks to keep playing in this world? After the game is over and finally finished the last thing i want to do is go back into it after 3 months. This game was an experience and the story was finalized so why go back? Is it just the nature of the beast to get the last drop out of a video while also sacrificing the story in the name of the almighty dollar!!!!

I'll be honest. I didn't play the game. But all this information was made readily available about two days after the games release and if you just clicked one link you'd get a story about how someone felt a certain way when the Arkham Knight turned out to be Jason Todd. Shit like that really pisses me off. It's like everyone suddenly turned into the kid with divorced parents who showered him with gifts but didn't teach the kid how to react in real life so the little shit just goes around talking about all the cool things he did while secretly hoping someone as pathetic as him latches on to "oh i beat that game two days ago and that ending was stupid because this happened...oh you didn't play it? sucks to be you". 



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