Brokeblog Event: The Week Formerly Known as Prince. Muther Fucking Batman

But BrokeBlog, what about the Batman soundtrack?!

 Relax scifi guy nerd girl. I got your Batman. 

 Like you could go through a week of Prince tribute and not get to the bat.

 Batman the movie might very well have been the best comic book movie made when it was released (1989) I think it might shock you how Tim Burton’s masterpiece would eek its way into the top ten of a lot of grandma fan boys. 

The year was 1989. The movie was Batman. I was 8 years old. And this was probably the coolest thing I had ever seen. (I snuck into it with my friends) 

 I kept saying “I am Batman” at everyone, place , and occasional Bonsai tree.

 I ran to the store and bought both the Score by Danny Elfman, and of course the soundtrack by who else, Prince.

 While the Score was awesome and made me relive the movie.

 The soundtrack was amazing.

 A gateway into another place. Before that I had been listening to radio Aahs, and oldies. But not this. This was new. Exciting. It almost felt dangerous. And from that moment on, I was hooked. 

 Prince did a lot in his career. And in the grand scheme of things who knows where this will end up all time in his body of work. But for me, Batman was here and I fell into a very comfortable Bromance with the Purple one.

 Whether it be:



 or, BatDance.

 I love them all to this day. While The Movie itself paled to modern comic movies, seriously Dark Knight right? 

 The only thing that still holds true is how solid that album was. And how it started a young me on a road to Funk, pop, sex, drugs, and everything else that was cool my mom wouldn't tell me about. Oldies were gone. 

 (Fuck you Everly Brothers!) 

 And into my life was Prince. 
 And he still is.



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