BrokeBlog Event the week formerly known as Prince: The Grimace

"WRONG PURPLE GUY!" By Royal Stein

Now the only thing synonymous with purple is this piece of shit. No one knows what he/she is or who it was created for but now this is the only big celebrity who is associated with the color purple. Just look at this mistake.

Just who in the hell is he/she waving to? no one knows them and certainly no one cares about it/her/him. Here he/she is trying to capitalize on that sweet late 90's pimp joke craze we all pretend didn't happen.
I honestly feel like we deserve this probably suffocating reminder of someone not knowing a demographic these days. Maybe he was predicting how all of their customers would eventually look after consuming nothing but their food day after day. Grimace is US.
soylent purple IS PEOPLE!!!

By: Royal Stein


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