It Looks a lot like Summer

Can you believe this temperature lately? Neither can I. I went outside with my coat on and nearly died from the heat. Us Minnesnowtons (patent pending name by the way) love to talk about our weather and when nothing is happening with it we tend to lose out shit and turn into Florida OUT OF BOREDOM!. For instance, we had a few days of perfect sun and everyone was happy and then all of the sudden they just raised the gas price on us. The gas! Our cars blood! The thing we use to run errands now cost more to run errands!. I tell you now that something has to get done about that real quick or else I'm just going to I've to somewhere nice like Michigan or Canada. At least there I know the elk and ducks will respect my need to burn fossil fuels. Speaking of fossil fuels, guess what else runs on gas? That's right! Water Cars (boats to you) oh man I tell you what. Well the wife is calling for me to help her figure out the words on Wheel of Fortune. I wish my grand kids loved me!

Wilbur Hackenstaff 


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