Open letter to GOP from a libertarian

Warning. The following post contains political views and spoilers about the world around you to by pass all this “Dumb shit” please follow this link to the next BBM Article on: Prince. Sorry for the miss understanding. Fuck politic right? Don't worry puppy movie post to come, probably.

~Staff at BBM

Last chance to avoid thinking, kinda.

Hello GOP prickbag,
I am talking to you.

You don't know me, but I know you.  I am a libertarian. 

 I Have been for a while. I have been waiting here for you band wagon fucks. Sure you love us now. That we are spiking on Google!
Libertarian hits spiked when Ted Cruz announced he is pulling out, you know like his mom should have done?

 (Al Gore's the GOOGLE equals Street cred to old people, 3rd partiez 4 life!!!)
here is proof that searches increased!  in a non specific graph!

We get it. Trump sucks. A lot. Like Hitler right? The worst. 

 The problem I have is this. Remember when Ron Paul was trying to convince you that gay people were people?

 Or that women were people? 

 Well if you want to keep your guns maybe you should not act so fucking insane. No one cares.

 Sure You finally understand how Trump is not what anyone wants. But, you are also trying to pretend gay people didn't want to get married.  Or that you didn't try to stop them?
 They did.  And so did you.

  I bet right now a lot of them want to get divorced.  Not the point!

 The point is. Stop acting like you are a hero for finally cutting ties with the modern KKK for banks. 

Admit you were stupid, and that Republicans are dumb.  If you can do that then don't worry, we have just the guy for you. Hey look he used to be a Republican, he thought people were people, War sucks, and weed is not that big of a deal. 

 I just need you to please promise me you will at least open your fucking beechnut minds.  People get to live how they want and its none of your fucking business.  Am I alienating you? 

 What do I care I am a libertarian which means I get to be a dick for what ever reason I want, all the time. It is my right.

 You can leave the door is right there. But I hear its cloudy Trump clouds outside with a strong Chance of killary.

 Maybe just, come back into this house made out of your own rights and the technicality of constitution.

 Sure those people were from hundreds yesterdays ago, not Ron, you know Ron.  But who cares.  Those other guys!  I am sure they saw the Internet and semi Auto’s coming, we should just trust them. 

 Hey still not Trump right? 

 Anyways, have fun. Vote for Gary Johnson. 

 He is decent. He might smoke weed but hey, it should be legal anyways right? 

You are free to be whatever religion you want. But you don't get to use that against other people who are not your religion.

 You remember freedom, the reason The pilgrims landed here and killed a bunch of native Americans for. Oh a little too history for you? Grow up. 

 God is either dead or an eastern Europe communist either way hates us. So fuck him/her/it/unknown noun in none Earth language.

Also, since I got you here. Shut the fuck up about chem trails.

 Yes a lot of Libertarians are suspect of the government. 

 It might seem like blind ignorance to you, but hey that’s probably how they think you sound when you argue against climate change.

P.S. Shut the fuck up chemtrail people you are not helping.

 Anyways, glad I got that all off my chest. Welcome GOP now libertarian hopefuls.  Hopefully you can learn to not hate.  Also good for you, Fuck Trump.

  Gary Johnson Rules. #FeelTheJohnson you want more information on him? 

 You are the Libertarian, you look it up yourself. Also Chin up about Trump. It could be worst. Cruz could still be in.

~The Capitalist Federation of Broke


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