The week formerly known as Prince Finale-r: Minnesota Goodbye or Purple Rain

Uff-Da, you really thought we were gonna leave a whole week long tribute to Prince and not mention "Purple Rain".

  I mean seriously what was bigger than "Purple Rain"?  Nothing, no not even hotdish.  

So why not do a bonus Prince post?!  You Betcha! 

 Besides, as anyone from Minnesota knows, you never say goodbye after one goodbye.  Or, someone will get left out and become very passive aggressive.  You have to make 5 rounds to every gathering to prove you Minnesota Goodbye'd.  

It is our duty as nice Minnesotans to see to it that remembering this giant on his way Up North, to that great cabin in the Sky,  runs long.  So grab some Lutefisk,

 a pop, and get settled in as we go well past the amount of time we allocated ourselves to bring you. Bonus Prince!  

Because, darn it that is what we should do for a another Minnesotan, and Cheese and Rice, this was Prince.  

Dontcha Know.     

With the album, "1999" (recorded in 1982), Prince set the sound for the 80's.  

The big question was "How's he gonna top 1999" The answer was an ambitious movie.

  "Purple Rain" was Bolstered by Prince's fame.  He co wrote and stared in it.  "Purple Rain" was the perfect project to showcase both Prince the Actor and musician. 

In 1984 Purple Rain sold over a million of copies days after it's release. Rock and Roll Hollywood were fused. 

Both the movie and the Album are both said to be at the commercial and artistic peak of Prince's career. When "When Doves Cry" released it hit #1 and remained on the top spot for 5 consecutive weeks the single sold 2 million copies. 

In the UK it was the break through single that paved the way for further success in Europe. When writing it, Prince, looked over "Doves cry" on the final pass and eliminated the bass from the track while saying: “No one is ever gonna believe this”

"When Doves cry" changed the landscape of what the 80's were going to sound like instantly. All the other bands had to go back to basics and learn how to play the 80's sound, because of Prince. The second single on the album “Lets Go Crazy” also hit number 1. But then came the song “Purple Rain”. Purple rain was recorded live in a remote truck. It is maybe one of the only ballads worth an investments of 8 min of your life.

 The level of emotional honesty in Purple Rain is maybe the most understated thing ever. 

The movie is also really good. The Song Purple Rain is timeless.  It will always be what we all remember Prince for.

From All of Minnesota:
You were one of us.
You were the best of us.
And you will forever be with us.
40 years of music, and who knows how many vault hits to come.  Thank you




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